Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ben... Skywalker?

I will begin by saying if you have not seen Star Wars The Force Awakens, are you living under a rock? All joking aside, in this post I am going to continue on from my last post, which will contain spoilers from The Force Awakens. So if you have not seen it yet, stop reading here and go to the movie theater, then come back here and we can speculate together!

In my last post I gave my theories that Rey is Luke's daughter as The Force Awakens gives you all the information to put things together. In The Force Awakens we also learn that Kylo Ren is actually Han and Leia's son turned to the dark side. In the EU we know that Luke has a son with Mara Jade and his name is Ben Skywalker, we also know that the new movies are not going by the EU. Kylo Ren being Han and Leia's son just doesn't sit right for me, we know that in episode 8 or episode 9 there is going to be a big "surprise" reveal just like The Empire Strikes Back. I don't feel that big reveal is going to be Rey being Luke's daughter, as so many clues were left for us to piece that together. To me the big reveal is going to be that Kylo Ren is Luke's son and Rey is his younger sister.

Now for me the biggest clue is his name, if he is Han and Leia's child why would they name him Ben? Leia has no known interaction with Obi Wan Kenobi, and in fact she actually only knows him as Obi Wan Kenobi. Han only meets Obi Wan for a very brief stint when they board the Millennium Falcon and he only thinks of him as a weird old man. So why would they name him Ben? My theory is that some time after the battle of Endor Luke met his love interest and together they had a child, Ben Skywalker. Seeing as the Empire had just fallen, one would have to assume there was still pockets of the Empire throughout the galaxy. Enter the rise of The First Order, led by Snoke. Now by this point you would have to assume Luke has trained Leia in the force, but upon hearing the rumors of the First Order has to leave his new jedi trainee's to put a stop to The First Order. Luke and his love interest leave Ben with Han and Leia and he grows up with them knowing Han and Leia as his parents leaving the perfect opportunity for Snoke to begin manipulating Ben. At some point Luke and his love interest have Rey while they are trying to stop The First Order, Luke learns of Ben turning to the dark side and they return right away only when Luke gets there and see's that Ben has become Kylo Ren and has killed all of the new jedi's. Kylo Ren kills his actual mother(Luke's love interest) and Luke flee's feeling this was all of his fault. 

Together with Leia they stash Rey on Jakku where Max Von Sydow's character lives to watch over Rey and is given the missing map piece to where Luke is. To piece it all together Snoke is Darth Plagueis and is manipulating Ren to kill Luke. Rey was with Luke when he returned to the new jedi's after Ren killed them and that is why he get's so upset when he hears of the girl. The possible grave beside Luke at the end of the movie is Ben and Rey's mother. 

Post your comments below on this theory or post your own theory below.

May The Force Be With You
-The Pin Boys