Monday, December 21, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Real New Hope

December 18th 2015 seemed like a date that was taking forever to come around. For all the Star Wars fans out there (and yes there are a lot even if they wont admit it) were eagerly and cautiously awaiting Star Wars Episode VII. Since waiting 10 years since the last Star Wars movie came out, or 32 years since the last really good Star Wars movie has come out, finally thanks to Disney and J.J. Abrams there was optimism and even HOPE for the future of Star Wars movies! I had only watched the trailers for The Force Awakens and tried to stay away from spoiling the movie for me. I rushed to the theater for 10 am to see the first showing for Star Wars on December 18th, I was not disappointed. Upon leaving the theater my first thought was I wish I didn't have to work today, cause I would go and buy another ticket for the next showing. But without giving away any spoilers I would like to give my two points as to why this movie has breathed new life into Star Wars after the disaster of the prequel trilogies.

Point number 1:  A well written story and great a cast of characters!

The story for The Force Awakens is so well written and brings out a lot of emotion in the movie. Defiantly a big reason for that is bringing back writer Lawrence Kasden who wrote Episode V and Episode VI. Lawrence along with J.J. Abrams and Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire) have been able to put together a wonderful and compelling story that, in my opinion has revitalized the Star Wars world. Even with a well written story, you need to have actors that make you believe and root for their characters. Daisy Ridley (Rey) and John Boyega (Finn) defiantly deliver on their characters, and for all of their criticism that they faced for having the lead roles, their critics should be silenced after seeing the movie. Of course another great aspect with the characters is having Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher back for the film. The new energy and the nostalgia has you on the edge of your seat.

Point number 2: Practical Effects vs Visual Effects

In Star Wars The Force Awakens they return to using practical effects more the way the original trilogy used them. For those who don't know the difference practical effects are created physically without the use of computer editing, where as in the prequel trilogy they used mostly visual effects. Switching back to using practical effects in my opinion has made the movie more realistic and especially when you watch it in IMAX 3D you feel apart of the movie. Effects are a big part of movies and practical effects make the movie feel that much more real. It was great to see actual Stormtroopers as opposed to visually edited in Stormtroopers.

Overall this is a must see in theaters movie. It is worth the $10-$15 to see it on the big screen. I look forward to seeing it a few more times in theater.

May The Force Be With You
-The Pin Boys

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